Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Elizabeth I

If you missed the day we talked about Elizabeth I, here's a little slide show to catch you up and make filling out the worksheet a little bit easier! You can either get the worksheet from me or just copy and paste the worksheet below into Word!

Name: ______________
Period: ________
Elizabeth I 

Who was her dad and what happened to her mom?

What does it mean to be “illegitimate”? Why did it mean she couldn’t be queen?

What did Queen Elizabeth look like? Hair, skin, clothes, jewelry, eyes?

Was Queen Elizabeth educated? If not, why? If so, what did she study and was she a good student?

Did she ever get married? If so, to whom? If not, why not?

Why did she have her sister, Mary Queen of Scots, killed?

How did she prevent Spain from invading and taking over? What’s the story there?

What was the “Elizabethan Era” most famous for?

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